Saturday, July 30, 2011

Family Prayer Tree

Looking for a way to get the family praying together without it feeling like a chore to get EVERYONE involved?!?!  Start a Family Prayer Tree.

Order one those tree bulletin board sets, here is a favorite of mine:

Take a wall in the house that everyone passes by, put the tree up without leaves.  Use a ziplok baggie to hold the leaves or make a pocket to put on the wall nearby to hold the leaves.  Have each person take a leaf and a marker to write on the leaf a prayer request of theirs and date it (if a wee one, have them draw a picture and help them date it) and then hang on the tree.  Then pray over each request together.  When you come back together as a family, review the leaves already up on the tree and take them off the tree and stick them around the bottom like a fall tree scene that shows God answered it and write the date God answered it.

This will be a living visual of how God WORKS in your lives and cares about everyone's request no matter how simple, how complex, how weird, how strange, how impossible...

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